Sunday, June 22, 2008

Im a BUSY Boy!

Quick updates on the family. Grandma is still having a hard time. Friday they did a CAT scan and they say her spleen is the size of texas. She will have more testing this week to see if it needs to be removed. Auntie Heather is recovering from her surgery. The pathology reports came back mostly good. All the big lumps were cancer free. They only found one small thing (.5 milameters) that was cancerous. She has an appointment on the 30th of June to see where the doctors want her to go from here.

And now me...
Thank you kL for my shirt. I love pea soup!
Big Thanks to Grandpa Grumpy for buying me an exersauser. I LOVE it. I can't stop spining the toys and looking at everything. I will put some video on soon so you all can see. Mommy had a birthday this week. I loved looking at the candles. Don't worry, I won't be a pyro. Mommy LOVES this picture of me and my first firehat. I got to play in front of the mirror this week. I love looking at that other baby. He makes me smile. :) And this week, I got my first taste of rice cereal. So far so good....or not so good. :) Mommy and Daddy really do not want to ship me off to Africa. not yet, anyways.

1 comment:

hannah joy said...

so you´re back in the States with your husband (and baby) correct? at some point i would love to pick your brain about that. As of now, my future plans involve eventually heading back to the States with my (will-be) Tico husband, and I´m curious to know how easy it is to adjust.

shoot me an email if you get the chance: